TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Commissions Overview

Before using the Commissions functions, verify the option to save commission detail is set in the Business Rules function. Saving commission detail ensures that prepared commissions are paid when they are posted.

Using Commissions

The Commissions process involves the following tasks:

  • Use the Commission Detail List function to produce an audit trail of commissions that have been purged from the system. The Commission Detail List then provides access to commission history.
  • Use the Commission Detail function to set up commission information and to change commission detail for an invoice. Sales rep information defaults and can be changed in the Sales REps function.
  • Use the Prepare Commissions function to prepare invoices.
  • Use the Commission Edit Register function to determine adjustments needed on prepared commissions.
  • Use the Commission Detail function to make needed adjustments to prepared commissions.
  • Reprint the Commission Edit Register, if needed.
  • Use the Post Commissions function to post commissions.
  • Use the Purge Completed Invoices function to purge commissions from the system, if necessary.
    Note: The Purge Completed Invoices function deletes all commission history data for invoices dated prior to the Completed Before date you specify.
  • Use the Commission Detail View to view detailed information on the invoices that have been posted for sales reps with commission information.
  • Verifying Commission Activity. Commission activity appears on the Commission Detail List. Use this list to verify your commissions are paid appropriately. If you change sales rep information in the default area of the Commission Detail screen, reprint the Sales Reps List after you post commissions to verify your changes.